Giving Thanks


The Viking News Editorial Board, Editorial Board

As each year nears an end, the busiest time of the year begins. The holiday season, without a doubt, has its ways of driving people beyond their sanity. The process of preparing for celebrations, gift giving, and simply making sure that each box is checked contributes a hefty load of holiday stress.
The media heavily impacts our behavior around the holidays whether we want to believe it or not. Often, the commercialization of the holidays is able to market goods and services to us as a society. Consequently, leaving many with holiday debt. Last year, 31% of Americans took on holiday debt during the winter season. However, what if we direct that energy to the heart of this upcoming season: Thanks.
Traditionally the American Holiday Season occurs between the months of November and January. As a multicultural country, this includes several unique traditions and festivities aside from Christmas.
Here, you can learn more about the different holidays that occur in the winter season. They occur weeks, if not days, after one another. The holidays fly by so quickly that it becomes easy to get lost in the routine of the next gala instead of present moments.
This year, we encourage you to take a moment of gratitude as the holiday season approaches, however it may look. Whether that be donating food to local charities, volunteering your time around the community, or being conscious about being grateful. Covid-19 impacted the 2020 holiday season unlike ever before by limiting traveling, gatherings, and community engagement.
Today, take a moment to reflect and take in all the things you can do now.
Stay safe and healthy, lend a helping hand, hug those closest to you, and reflect on everything you have to be grateful for. On behalf of the Viking Editorial Board, we wish you a Happy Holidays.