‘Almost, Maine’ Comes to Valley Theatre
Students in the show pose for the Viking Theater Instagram
October 4, 2022
Somewhere in the deep Maine winter, an entire town falls into, out of, and around love. Or, they just fall in general.
Almost, Maine, written by John Cariani, illustrates a series of happenings in one sleepy town. In nine short scenes, Cariani reminds us of the highs and lows of romance— be it in a lively tavern or on a screened-in porch.
With the holiday season right around the corner, the show is meant to highlight the warmth in all people . Performances are at LVHS on Nov. 4 and 5 at 7PM and on Nov. 5 and 6 at 2PM.
Director Diego De La Espriella picked the show for its heartwarming scenes, emotional depth and, at times, hilarity.
“There are some very touching moments in this show, as well as some goofy ones, and I’m just proud to say that the kids are tackling all of it with a great attitude.” De La Espriella said.
For more information: contact [email protected]
*tickets are free for lvhs students, $10 otherwise*