Music and your mood

Lilly Hall and Sophia Serice

Music. Its effects on people vary. Does it help students focus? Make people happy? How does music really affect students here at Valley, and why is it still so important even after the pandemic?  

Sophomore Drew Lowman has been playing guitar for longer than she can remember.

“Music is sort of like a motivator for me,” Lowman said. “It kind of cheers me up.” 

 Sophomore Kate Caling shared the sentiment around music’s effects on motivation.

 “I listen to music in the morning when I’m just waking up. It makes me feel a bit more awake in the morning,” Caling said. 

Junior Anna Geng-Gao feels listening to music isn’t the only way that cheers people up.

 “I love playing piano and violin with Loudoun Valley’s orchestra, which is a huge part of my life. Music has brought me together with some of my best friends, and is something that brings me a lot of joy,” Geng-Gao said.

Music has been a part of many peoples lives, from playing an instrument to just listening to their favorite songs, it greatly affects the moods of those who listen to it. Studies show that 69% of people who attend musical performances regularly, rate their brain health higher than those who do not. 

“I usually listen to music that reflects the mood I’m in,” Junior Dylan Steigerwald said. “It tends to magnify whatever emotions I’m currently feeling.” 

Many students also feel like their music changes depending on their current mood,  

“I, like many other people I’m sure, have a plethora of different playlists for different occasions, different moods and different inspirations,” Sophomore Ben Demase said.

Demase has been writing and performing his own music at local shows and events. 

“Writing lyrics, which is close to writing poetry, has made interpreting lyrics easier,” Demase said. “Performing music has made it easier to pick out melodies, and even relate those to the lyrics.”

Music has had an impact on many people, from letting them express themselves through song or to just relax and destress after a long day. 

“I think music affects people in many ways, sometimes just relaxing people’s minds and sometimes changing people’s lives,” Junior Dylan Steigerwald said. “It’s hard to put into words the effects music can have, but I believe it can benefit everyone.”