5 minutes with Katie Clarke
Katie Clarke in the varsity field hockey game against Fauquier High School on Nov. 3, 2022. Used with permission of LoCoSports, photo taken by Derrick Jerry.
November 17, 2022
Katie Clarke’s sophomore field hockey season has come to an end, with the final game of the season being the state champion semi-final game on Nov. 12.
Clarke’s love for field hockey started in first grade, and over the years she has honed her skills and puts them to use as Varsity’s Midfield player.
“I’m the center-mid so I’m kind of just like the center of the offense and the defense, I have to kind of make sure everybody around me is in their right spot.”
Clarke said this season is one of many firsts, with the team winning the regional and district championships. Though, with these highs, the bittersweet end encroaches.
“I’m kind of sad, we’ve been in season for like, I think today’s like our 103rd day since August, so it’s kind of crazy,” Clarke said. “But we’re so much further than we’ve ever been before. We never made out of districts. And now we’re literally at states.”
“I’m just really excited. I hope it doesn’t end. It’s crazy, I did not expect this season to go this way,” Clarke said.
With a new head coach, Melissa Ferrara, previously the field hockey coach’s assistant, Clarke said the team dynamic has improved.
“We all gelled together really well, last year, and this year, we got like five new freshmen and all of them fit in really well. And our upperclassmen were really welcoming,” Clarke said. “So like, the relationship with the coach and teammates is great.”
Clarke said the field hockey team was excited for the final stretch of the season.
“I know that energy is really good,” Clarke said. “Everybody’s just so excited to be a part of it, and like, we’re just really hype and hoping to win. We’re working really hard to make sure that we keep going.”

Q & A:
Q) What do you plan on doing during the off season?
A) Okay, I’m doing club, so indoor during the winter. Pretty excited for that. I love playing club.
Q) What’s your favorite position to play?
A) Midfield.
Q) What’s your favorite jungle theme?
A) Well, we don’t really get that many people. Um, I don’t know, I just like when people come because it was really cool to see like, as we started going further, a bunch of people came to our district championship because it was at home. I mean we also did a good job of broadcasting it, so some people came after practices or tryouts and stuff like that.
Q) What’s your favorite college team or professional team that you look up to?
A) I really like the Harvard and Princeton teams.
Q) Do you have a favorite player?
A) I mean, not really, but there’s one girl at UNC that I know like most people who play field hockey say that she’s crazy. And she’s like, top scorer in the ACC and NCAA ever. I think that’s just like something cool to aspire to.