Hey! Welcome to Lilly’s Hot Takes. Those who know me know that I tend to have some pretty strong opinions, but don’t worry, I have an argument to back up every single one.
For those of you who don’t know, a hot take is an opinion or belief that others typically don’t agree with, or they find controversial. All right, that’s enough introductory yapping from me, let’s jump in.
The hot take of the week? Skittles are a scam.
Yeah, you read that right, Skittles are a scam, a rip off, a dupe, whatever you want to call it.
Skittles are small colored round candies that come in a pack of 56. Wait a minute…that sounds like the delicious, original, fan favorite candy-M&M’s. But no, we are talking about the cheap Dollar Tree version, Skittles.
Despite the similar appearance, Skittles are significantly different in taste.
First of all, they aren’t chocolate, so why are we eating them anyway?
Second, the flavors taste artificial and fake. They have every basic fruit flavor, strawberry, orange, lemon and grape. They are just checking the box at this point.
Honestly, can you really sit here and tell me you’ve thought to yourself “Yeah, I really want M&M’s but without the best parts…Skittles just sound perfect.” No, no you haven’t, because Skittles are simply inferior.
Even the branding of M&M’s is more appealing than Skittles. Skittles have obnoxious bright colors that clash, while M&M’s have an aesthetic dark background with pops of color throughout.
Skittles are that little sibling who takes your clothes and imitates everything you do. They’re annoying, frustrating and as hard as they try, they will never be the same.
But, you know what they say, “Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.”
If you agree, or are at least somewhat entertained, you can find a new hot take from me right here, next Sunday.