If you’re an avid reader, I’d be shocked if you hadn’t heard of Goodreads. For those who haven’t, Goodreads is a book tracking app where you can keep “Want to Read,” “Currently Reading” and “Read” lists.
Users can leave and read reviews on books, as a way to create community assistance for choosing your next read. I’ve been using Goodreads for a couple of years now, but I’m switching to a different book tracking app – Fable. Let me tell you why.
First of all, Goodreads has an incredibly outdated feel and the app is cluttered and unpleasant to the eye. With a bland yellow-tan background and a clunky layout, the app design leaves much to be desired. Fable’s design is much more modernized with easier to navigate pages and more aesthetically pleasing visuals.
Next, actions on Goodreads are pretty limited. You can pretty much only track your pages and books and leave or read reviews. However, Fable has many more functions on top of the basic Goodreads features. The biggest feature is that you can also track your movie and TV history in the same way you can with books. Additionally, you have the chance t0 pick a book (or movie/TV) club to join from a seemingly endless list of options.
Also, the community of readers on Fable is much easier to connect and communicate with. The home page of the app almost acts like a social media feed, where users can post reviews and comments about their current reads. The home page also features the ability to log if you read on a certain day, building a reading streak to be displayed on your profile along with other statistics such as most read authors and genres.
The “Discover” feature on Fable is far superior to that of Goodreads. They have a Tinder-style swipe feature to add books to your “Want to Read” list and even an AI feature that allows you to ask a bird named Scout to give a book suggestion based on your suggestions such as trope, genre or mood.
I’m sure many (including me at first) are concerned about the difficulty of transition between apps. Because who wants to one-by-one transfer your reading history between apps?
Well, Fable makes a seamless transition from Goodreads with the ability to simply log in to your Goodreads account in order to transfer all of your lists and reading history. Additionally, you can sync your Netflix watchlist to update your watchlists on Fable.
Not only is Fable clearly superior to Goodreads for all the above reasons, they make it incredibly easy to switch apps. So, what are you waiting for? Make the switch to start off your 2025 reading goal right.