Welcome back to Lilly’s Hot Takes! If you haven’t been here before, my name is Lilly, and I love sharing my controversial opinions. Let’s jump in.
The hot take of the week? Ratatouille is the best Disney movie.
Now, I’m sure you’re thinking out of all the princess movies, fairy tales and love stories, how is the one about a rat in the kitchen the best? Ratatouille is the best because it encompasses every type of Disney movie in the best way.
Ratatouille is the perfect fairy tale rags to riches story. A poor rat wanting to chase his seemingly unattainable dreams, while also suffering the tragedy of losing his family in a storm. If that’s not the perfect Disney movie plot then I don’t know what is.
Ratatouille also checks the love story box in a perfectly subtle way. You’re telling me this adversity-conquering rat is an amazing chef, achieves his dreams, teaches a terrible chef how to cook, and all while helping him and his coworker crush fall in love? Let’s be honest, is there anything Remy can’t do? I think not.
Plus, if you don’t enjoy a good underdog story or a cute, heartwarming love story, you must at least love an animal movie. This poor rat was separated from his whole family not knowing if they are even alive, while fighting for his life. What animal lover doesn’t want to watch that heartwarming journey?
So, if you haven’t seen Ratatouille, what are you waiting for? Go watch it right now. Not only will you finish it with that feel-good feeling, but you will leave ready and inspired to chase your dreams. Trust me when I say, Ratatouille truly is the best Disney movie.