In the animal kingdom, there is predator and there is prey. That’s how it is, and more often than not a predator will have its own predators. However, there are some animals out there with zero predators. No animal goes out of its way to attack them unprompted. These types of animals tend to be known as Apex Predators. They can be mammals, reptiles, or pretty much every other type of animal, and are in various locations and habitats.
One of the ocean’s most dangerous predators, Orcas, better known as Killer Whales, are at the top of the food chain. This is largely due to their intelligence and the fact they are very social animals, with a tendency to hunt in packs. They tend to eat fish, seals, birds and on occasion even other species of dolphin.
More than just a patriotic symbol of America, the Bald Eagle is an effective apex predator. They have a diet of small reptiles and birds, and small mammals like rabbits. Localized in North America, not only are they capable and intelligent hunters, they are also crucial for promoting biodiversity and controlling prey populations.
Known as the largest species of cat, weighing in at 660 pounds of muscle and 10 feet long from nose to tail, Tigers have no natural predators, making them apex predators as well. Powerful and dangerous, Tigers typically live in jungles and eat large prey, such as buffalo, but will attack anything that threatens them.
In the wild, when it’s kill or be killed, some animals are more than capable of surviving with no opponents.