There are countless amounts of animals on this planet, all of them unique. There are far more species of animal than there are people on the planet, so naturally some of them will be seen as nuisances, whether that be because they are annoying, live near people or even accidentally cause harm to people.
Few animals are seen as vermin by humans as much as rats. Known for carrying diseases and being filthy, these rodents are deemed incredibly annoying for being so hard to get rid of. They can be aggressive, dirty and pretty much anywhere there are people. In New York City, one of the biggest cities in the United States, there are estimated to be around 3 million rats.
One animal that kills hundreds every year without trying is deer, so much so that new drivers need to learn how to deal with them effectively. They have a reputation of running straight into the road with little care for speeding cars, leading to lots of crash-related injuries and, unfortunately, even deaths.
Seen as major pests and an invasive species, the stinkbug is one of the most despised bugs in the country due to them living in lots of areas and the odor they give off after death. Their small size can give them access to tons of areas and hiding spots in a person’s home.
When considering the fact that some animals’ very ways of life conflict with ours, it’s no wonder why some in particular can be seen as little more than pests.